
They say it’s all about the journey, not the destination. I’m out on the road logging miles and making memories. It gives me plenty of time alone with my thoughts, and here’s where I share a bit about specific things that trigger big feelings. A space to share what’s going on in my mind, not just my suggested itinerary.

Reclaiming race
Lyss W Lyss W

Reclaiming race

It was a no-brainer to start my address-less adventure by dropping my stuff at home. I thought I would record a few iconic family recipes, ask a couple questions and be on my merry way. Then the escalating attacks against Asians surfaced a shit storm of baggage and questions. I decided to start from the beginning before I move ahead. Conversations and breakthroughs began, and I don't know if it helps at all- but my Spoiled Spinster YouTube now has playlists of interviews and conversations about racism and assimilation erasure in addition to recipes and travel.

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Not White, But Privileged…
Race Lyss W Race Lyss W

Not White, But Privileged…

I'm not white, but I'm privileged, and that's something I've had the luxury to never think about or acknowledge. I'm half Vietnamese and half white. Despite the fact that I'm regularly asked "What are you," I'm so deeply synced into my white half and out of tune with the Asian half I honestly forget unless someone asks me that stupid question.

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